Purpose of life

The question of the purpose of life is one of the most profound and intriguing questions humanity has ever faced. It is not merely important because philosophers have wrestled with it for centuries, but because every individual, at some point in their life, confronts this question personally. This universal engagement with the question makes it deeply significant for each of us to explore.

Defining the Purpose of Life

When we talk about the purpose of life, what do we really mean? Traditionally, the purpose of life has been seen as a singular, grand mission—a predefined destiny that one is born to fulfill. This view suggests that there is one specific thing each of us must do, a heavenly duty that defines our existence. However, I believe this perspective is limited. The purpose of life is not a fixed, unchanging duty imposed upon us. Instead, it is a fluid and evolving concept, deeply subjective and intimately tied to personal fulfillment.

First and foremost, the purpose of life is not a duty. It is not something that can be dictated by others, nor is it a rigid endpoint that one must strive towards unceasingly. It cannot be handed to us by another person or discovered through a single moment of revelation. Rather, it is something that each individual must discover for themselves through their own experiences and reflections. It is something that holds significant meaning for the person who finds it, something that resonates deeply within their soul.

The Quest for Meaning

The reason why the question of life's purpose is so important is because, without a sense of purpose, life can feel aimless and confusing. Humans are meaning-seeking creatures. We strive to find significance in everything we encounter, and this extends to our own lives. What many refer to as the purpose of life is, in essence, a search for meaning—a quest to understand what makes our existence valuable and worthwhile.

Historically, people often conflated their career with their life's purpose. In ancient times, one's profession was typically determined by their family's trade. For example, if one's father was a blacksmith, it was expected that they would also become a blacksmith. This was not only a practical necessity but also a cultural expectation. Thus, people often equated their profession with their purpose in life. However, in today's world, this equation is no longer valid. With the advent of the internet and the availability of diverse educational resources, we can learn any skill at any time, from anywhere. The concept of a career being synonymous with life's purpose has become outdated.

Personal Fulfillment and Life's Purpose

Today, the purpose of life is more closely aligned with personal fulfillment. It is about what brings you joy and satisfaction, what makes you feel alive and engaged. It is no longer about fulfilling societal expectations or adhering to a predetermined path. If you want to become a musician and are willing to learn and hone your craft, nothing can stop you. The purpose of life is something you do because you love it, because it brings you happiness and fulfillment.

The things that you consider on your deathbed—the moments and achievements that bring you the most satisfaction and pride—are likely to be aligned with your purpose in life. These are not things you do because someone else told you to, but because they resonate deeply with you. They are the things you never regret doing, the things that give your life meaning and significance.

The Fluidity of Life's Purpose

One of the most important aspects to understand about the purpose of life is that it is not a single, unchanging thing. It is something that evolves and shifts as you gain more experience and knowledge. What you consider your purpose at one stage of life may change as you grow and learn. For example, you might initially think your purpose is to become a doctor and help people, but later discover a passion for gardening that brings you more fulfillment. It is not wrong to change your life's purpose as you evolve. Life is a journey, and just like any journey, the destinations and paths can change unexpectedly.

Your purpose in life does not have to be grand or monumental. It can be as simple as making your family happy or bringing joy to others. It is important to remember that the purpose of life is deeply personal and unique to each individual. It is not about meeting the expectations of others, but about finding what brings you fulfillment and happiness.

Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives

Philosophers often seek to complicate questions, to find deeper meanings in them. However, the truth is that the biggest questions of life can often be understood more simply through introspection and reflection. If we move beyond philosophical and mental aspects and view the question of life's purpose from a biological or scientific standpoint, we can gain another perspective.

From a biological viewpoint, we are simply complex arrangements of atoms, evolved from single-celled organisms over millions of years. Our existence is the result of countless interactions at the atomic level. The purpose of life, from this perspective, is tied to the survival and continuation of our species. Studies have shown that those who are happier and more fulfilled tend to live longer, and a longer life contributes to the survival and growth of the species. Thus, from a biological standpoint, the purpose of life is to live in a way that promotes the continued existence and well-being of humanity.


Ultimately, the purpose of life is a deeply personal question. It is something that each individual must discover for themselves. It is not about fulfilling the dreams and expectations of others, but about following your own heart and finding what brings you joy and fulfillment. Whether your dreams are big or small, what matters most is that they are your own. In the end, the most important thing is to live a life that you will not regret, a life that brings you happiness and satisfaction. Follow your heart, embrace the journey, and understand that the purpose of life is not a single, unchanging thing, but a dynamic and evolving quest for meaning and fulfillment.


Aditya P Venugopal